Friday, 7 June 2013

How Is the "Norm" different today?

How is The "Norm" Different Today?

60 years ago, to get in touch with someone, you mailed a letter. 15 Years ago if your wanted to hang out with a friend... you called them up, Now a-days... you text them, or Facebook them. The normal form of interaction is changing and soon face to face conversations will be awkward and unbearable. Despite popular belief, the constant connection with friends and family through text and Facebook is harmful to the relationship. My Girlfriend and I made a pact to delete our Facebook, and only text One day per Week. This was made after my relationship was being harmed but the social network. Now every weekend when we get together, we actually have something to talk about. "How was your week?” "Anything new happen?” "How was work this week?".... Before this plan we knew when the other person was eating sleeping and taking a crap. It was sucking the excitement out of our lives and it is doing the same to everyone else as well.

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